Following the travel restrictions and lockdown measures which were set by the government of Uganda in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19, SSAASS (Sub-Saharan Africa Astronomy Summer School) was postponed to 2022. On January 1st 2022, majority of the travel restrictions and night curfew were lifted by the government of Uganda, however Covid-19 SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) remain enforced as a safe guard.

I am glad to highlight that SSAASS preparations are now ongoing. I highlight that Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) and Kyambogo University (KYU) in conjunction with the Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik (MPA), Thüringer-Landessternwarte-Tautenburg (TLS), and Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) are at the forefront of organising a Sub-Saharan Africa Advanced Astronomy Summer School in Uganda focusing on three fields of scientific research, namely galaxies, extra-solar planet science, and stellar interior physics. The goal of the summer school is to invite experts to share the state-of-the-art techniques/methods currently employed in these scientific research areas. In addition, research areas such as exoplanet and stellar physics studies have strong synergies and therefore present opportunities for generating research ideas which cut across the two fields, thus creating avenues for networking and building substantial collaborations among researchers and students in these fields.

Some of the SSAASS LOC (local Organising Committee) members after their first meeting held on January 28th, 2022 at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. From left to right; Dr. Benard Nsamba, Dr. Francis Bajunirwe, Prof. Mirjana Pović, Dr. Priscilla Muheki, and Dr. Cosmos Dumba. The LOC members who were online included Prof. Dr. Achim Weiss, Prof. Artie Hatzes, Dr. Elizabeth Naluminsa, Ms. Flavia Owayesu, and Dr. Oyirwoth Abedigamba.
On January 28th, 2022, the SSAASS LOC (local Organising Committee) members had their first meeting aimed at replanning the school. New dates were selected which will be announced on the official school website soon. Due to the huge volume of applications which were received in 2020, no new call may be announced. The selection of successful applicants will be made from the pool of applications already received.
It is indeed an exciting opportunity for African students. We believe this school will provide a platform for creating long-lasting collaborations with the different international experts in the astronomy fields of galaxies, extra-solar planet science, and stellar interior physics.